121-125 32 Street NE

Land Use Redesignation (Rezoning) to M-CG Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented 
to allow for a multi-family development in the community of Tuxedo



Calgary Planning Commission (CPC): May 9
Council Public Hearing: July 16

(both dates are subject to change)

Land Use Redesignation Application

Residential – Contextual One/Two Dwelling (R-C2)

Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CG)

About the Site:

This two-lot parcel is 90’ x 155’ located mid-block with a rear lane. The lots currently each have a bungalow constructed in 1949, and the East lot also contains a garage.

The built context of the site includes single family homes and active redevelopment. The zoning context is R-C2 surrounding the parcel with one M-CG redesignation completed on the block to the East.

The parcel is located within the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (LAP) and is identified as Neighbourhood Local typography. The Centre Street Main Street area is adjacent and the parcel is 95m from a Primary Transit Network stop.

Proposed Zoning:

Multi-Residential – Contextual Grade-Oriented (M-CG)

  • Density 111 units per hectare (standard zoning) allowing, up to 13 dwelling units + secondary suites
  • Maximum up to 60% land coverage
  • Minimum 3.0m contextual front setback
  • Controlled rear and side setbacks
  • Max height 12m (3 storeys) with side chamfers and cross section limitations (see bylaw for chamfer diagrams)


  • 0.5 stalls per dwelling unit = 7 stalls must be provided for 13 units
  • No parking stalls required for secondary suites
  • No visitor parking is required.

Full bylaw details for the M-CG district are available here.

The Site

Example of possible massing layout (not yet designed): 

City of Calgary Resources

Learn more about City of Calgary policies on housing and
M-CG zoning through these links:

New Housing Opportunities

New infill multi-family homes provide a variety of housing types and styles. Secondary suites provide affordable rental
opportunities in Established Areas and provide secondary income to the primary unit owners.

“Providing more housing diversity in Calgary means more opportunities for everyone to have a place that they can call home.”
~ City of Calgary

Public Engagement

This application is estimated to be a “1A” engagement rating on the Outreach Assessment Matrix from the City of Calgary requiring 2-3 outreach tools.

This application is utilizing four Outreach Tools & Tactics are being used:

    • Website for online engagement – Engage121.ca
    • Email feedback form (below)
    • Direct contact email and phone provided (bottom of page)
    • Direct mailing of printed materials (30+ neighbouring parcels outlined on the map to the left)


We remain open to your feedback, concerns and questions. Please use the form below to contact us.
We will forward your comments to the assigned file manager at the City of Calgary.

11 + 8 =

Enter number into box and click enter to submit form.

Your Feedback

We remain open to feedback throughout the application process and will provide your concerns and comments to the file manager, or you may contact them directly.

The Applicant

Dobbin Consulting Inc.

City of Calgary

Once the application is submitted the file manager contact information and file number will be provided here.