6020 94 Ave SE
Concurrent Applications for
Calgary Aggregate Recycling
Redesignation LOC2025-0057
Development Permit DP2025-0613
Redesignation from Direct Control Bylaw 22d2022 to a new DC Bylaw to add a new Use description for “Soil Recycling Facility Operations”; and
A Development Permit application for “Addition or New Building: In a Commercial, Industrial or Special Land Use District”.
About the Site:
The parcel is a flat, 1,300′ x 606′ (18.09 acre) corner-lot north of 94 Avenue SE on 60 Street SE. The site currently operates an Asphalt, Aggregate and Concrete Plant that washes and processes gravel materials for re-use.
The surrounding context of the site is Industrial – General use and includes auto-wreckers, transportation services and industrial service providers. The land is currently zoned Direct Control to allow the Asphalt, Aggregate and Concrete Plant use on the site.
Wash Plant

About the Land Use Redesignation (“Rezoning”)
The existing Direct Control bylaw DC22d2022 allows a discretionary use of Asphalt, Aggregate and Concrete Plant for the site and these operations occur on the site at this time. The Applicant seeks to amend the current Direct Control (DC) district to define and add a custom use of “Soil Recycling Facility Operations”.
The soil recycling facility on the site is a unique operation, one of only two in North America. Accordingly, no existing Uses describe the activities and operations on the site thus requiring a new Use description to capture the operations on the site correctly.
About the Development Permit
Additional equipment and operations have been added to the site and include a soil washing facility that generates aggregate (gravel), sand, and fine particulate (“fines”) materials for use in landscaping, construction, and the manufacturing of new products such as concrete, resulting in the diversion of these materials from landfill.
The Development Permit reviews the equipment, servicing, storm water management, and other aspects of the site and operations to determine compliance with City Department needs and building code considerations.
Calgary Aggregate Recycling intends to divert 100% of materials from it’s operations away from landfills. 2024 operations diverted 91% of all materials!
To date, over 266,000 tonnes of materials
have been diverted from landfills!
Currently, the wash process generates “fines” materials that are used as a concrete additive after kiln processing, CAR is seeking new partnerships to divert all of the fines materials and reach 100% diversion of materials from landfill.

Public Engagement
This application is estimated to be a “1A” engagement rating on the Outreach Assessment Matrix from the City of Calgary requiring 2-3 outreach tools.
This application is utilizing four Outreach Tools & Tactics are being used:
- Website for online engagement – EngageCAR.ca
- Email feedback form (below)
- Direct contact email and phone provided (bottom of page)
- Direct emailing of printed materials
(16 neighbouring businesses)
Click the image to open a PDF for each item.
Circulation Routes & Operation Locations
PDF showing the circulation of vehicles on the site and locations of operating equipment.
Processing Facilities Operations
PDF showing the wash plant operation steps and machinery.
Operational Inputs, Testing, and Outputs
PDF showing the materials accepted, testing information, outputs and destinations of generated materials.
Climate Action Alignment & Outcomes
PDF detailing the waste diversion and carbon emissions impact of CAR operations.
We remain open to your feedback, concerns and questions. Please use the form below to contact us.
We will forward your comments to the assigned file manager at the City of Calgary and reply to your questions.
Enter number into box and click enter to submit form.
Your Feedback
We remain open to feedback throughout the application process and will provide your concerns and comments to the file manager, or you may contact them directly.
The Applicant
Jennifer Dobbin
Dobbin Consulting Inc.
(403) 922-9365
City of Calgary Contact
Wallace Leung
Senior Planner, South Area
Planning and Development Services
T 403-200-8575
Please indicate the file reference number(s) when contacting the City on these matters: